
Kardewu is a master in the Netherlands in Philings, Microneedling and PhiBright by PhiAcademy. Read more about the various courses below, and book your course here!

What is Philings?

There are two types of procedures that can be performed within a PhiLings treatment: Microneedling and Phi-Ion plasma lifting. These can be performed in combination or independently, depending on the indicators for the treatment. In our Philings course, we address both techniques and we offer them in one complete package.

The Philings course contains a comprehensive starter kit incl. BOTH devices. The best in the field of Microneedling! The Simplicity Phineedling system works faster, is less sensitive and even more effective and precise. The Phineedling system uses micro-needles that vibrate to create micro-channels in the skin. This ensures that the skin will start recovering in a natural way. It also speeds up the production of collagen. Due to the vertically vibrating needles and the adjustable length of the needles during the treatment, the Simplicity increases the effect of the treatments and the absorption of products.

What does Philings do?

  • Skin rejuvenation and skin tightening
  • Increases the absorption of moisture and nutrients
  • Stimulates the production of Collagen
  • The skin becomes firmer and smoother
  • Visible improvement of acne scars and wound healing
  • Fills up the scar tissue
  • Breaks down existing scar tissue and speeds up the healing process
  • Hyperpigmentation (pigment spots)
  • Improves stretch marks
  • Improves pigment problems
  • The skin will look tighter and more radiant

Duration of the course

The course starts with the theoretical part, hygiene, treatment protocols and product explanation. This will be followed by working with a live model, under supervision of the Master, with a goal to let participants experience how it feels to work with the special treatment routines of Philings and the device. During this practical part, attention will be given to the correct actions in order to achieve the best results.

  • Theory
  • Hygiene
  • Skin Expert
  • Product knowledge
  • Video material
  • Craft Master Application
  • Experimenting with tools
  • Practice on a live model
  • Aftercare
  • Tips and tricks social media
  • Q&A (question and answer)

Online (Craft Master)

The training will continue online with guidance from your Master through the ‘Craft Master’ Application. The Application will be your online textbook and workbook. Via the application, you will have access to all the theory (among others hygiene, skin types, treatment instructions, how to handle the instruments, practical videos etc.). Apart from the theory, the App consists of 12 levels (assignments) that need to be completed by the student to finish the Philings course. Via the App, you will upload photos of completed assignments, after which personalised feedback will be provided by your master (1 on 1). In this way, you will develop your skills step by step. When you’ve successfully completed all levels, you’ll achieve the “Official Philings Artist Certificate”, and you will be included on the world map of Phi practitioners. The average time needed to obtain this certificate is between 1 and 3 months.


At the end of the live course, all participants will receive the Philings participation certificate. To obtain the official certificate, the student needs to hand in 12 assignments through our e-learning “craftmaster” application.

Photos of the treatments given to your clients will act as proof that you have completed the levels. For example, we ask for 5 sample photos of microneedling, 5 photos of phi ion treatments and 2 photos of healed results. Finally, a theoretical exam will be held. Students who successfully complete the online course will receive the official Philings Technician certificate and 3 logos: the Philings Artist logo with name and number, phi microneedling and phi ion technician logo.

Official Phlings students will also be included on the Phi World Map as practitioner. Afterwards you can obviously continue to develop and achieve the title Royal Artist, and possibly even Master at a later stage!

On average, students require 1 to 3 months to complete all levels of the Craft Master application.

Included in the starter kit:

1x Simplicity Artist OR Master device (Microneedle & PMU system)

1x Phi Ion PRO Plasma Pen device

1x White marker pen

1x Universal holder

10x Skin Candy aftercare balms

10x 3 RS needles

10x 5 RS needles

10x Microneedling (patented) solution – JIVE

10x Microneedling (patented) solution – TANGO

20x Ultimate skin cocktails

20x After treatment Masks

20x Phi Asept Wipes

20x Disposable microneedling needles

Master device included in the consultation.


€2450 excl. VAT

Book your course below!

Wat is Microneedling?

Microneedling is een procedure die handmatig (met één naald) of met behulp van het phineedling machine kan worden uitgevoerd.
Indicaties voor Microneedling
De procedure is gericht op het stimuleren van microcirculatie en de natuurlijke processen van collageenproductie en regeneratie. De behandeling wordt ook met succes gebruikt voor haargroeistimulatie.
• Droge, vale huid
• Vette huid met grove poriën
• Rimpels
• Pigmentproblemen
• Littekens
• Striae
• Acne
• Zonbeschadigde huid
• Keratosis Pilaris
• Decollete verstrakking
• Kaalheid
• Dunner wordend haar

Microkanalen worden manueel behandeld met handmatige tool in het gebied van de meest prominente rimpels of huidveranderingen, en met de Phineedling machine worden de bredere delen van de gezichts/lichaamshuid behandeld. Tijdens de behandeling wordt er gebruik gemaakt van een speciaal ontworpen tevens gepatenteerde serum welke wordt aangebracht op het huidoppervlak en vervolgens wordt geabsorbeerd door de huid. Na de behandeling krijgt de cliënt een speciale
nazorgproduct mee(Ultimate Skin Cocktail + correct gezichtscrème) gevolgd door gedetailleerde gebruiksinstructies. De juiste toepassing van de nazorgproducten zijn van groot belang.

• hydratatie van de huid
• teint is egaler
• gladheid waardoor bestaande rimpels minder worden
• zichtbaar strakker en jonger
Het uiteindelijke resultaten worden 24 uur na de procedure zichtbaar en de schaal duurt enkele maanden. Bij een kuur houdt dit langer aan. De behandeling wordt in kuurverband gegeven: drie tot zes behandelingen om de 2 a 3 weken.
Wat leer en ontvang je?
• Theorie over de structuur van de huid en kenmerken van specifieke gebieden in de gezichtshuid
• Bepaling van verschillende huidtypes
• Herkenbare medische huidaandoeningen
• Beoordeling van de geschiktheid van de klant om de behandeling te ondergaan
• Hygiëne en steriliteit
• Vertrouwd raken met de producten en apparaten die worden gebruikt voor de behandeling en hun werkprincipes
• Onderhoud van apparatuur
• Vertrouwd raken en oefenen met verschillende bedieningsmodi van de apparaten
• Toepassingstechnieken Praktijk – Microneedling Face & Body
• Verwachte resultaten – Microneedling
• Nazorg – Microneedling
• Phiapp: klantenbestand, agenda, Dr Phi
• Hoe fotos maken
• Craftmaster
• Standaard starterspakket zonder needling apparaat en naalden.
Duur van de cursus

De opleiding start een eendaagse live workshop van 10:00/17:00 uur. Deze dag staat in het teken van de theorie, huidleer, contra indicaties, hygiëne, behandelroutines, praktijk op modellen. Via het online craftmaster applicatie bent u 3 maanden in contact voor online begeleiding.

Cursus Dag:
• Theorie, Hygiëne, Huidleer Skin Expert
• Producten kennis
• Video materiaal
• Behandel protocollen
• Experimenteren met tools
• Oefenen op een (eigen) live model
• Nazorg
• Q&A (vraag en antwoord)
• Deelname certificaat Phi Microneedling
• Starterspakket met of zonder apparaat.

Online (Craft Master)
De opleiding bestaat echter uit een langer traject dan 1 dag. Je blijft namelijk 3 maanden lang, dagelijks in contact met je master via de ‘Craft Master’ Applicatie. De App is je online leer en werkboek. Via de applicatie krijg je toegang tot alle theorie (o.a. hygiëne, huidtypes, huidaandoeningen, contra indicaties, hoe om te gaan met instrumenten, productenkennis, behandelroutines met veel foto en video materiaal. De App bestaat naast de theorie, uit 12 levels (opdrachten) die door de student gepasseerd dienen te worden, om de opleiding te voltooien. (de opdrachten zijn de behandel fotos van uw klanten) Via de app upload je foto’s van je gemaakte opdrachten, waarop door je master gepersonaliseerd feedback wordt gegeven (1 op 1). Zodra je een level hebt gepasseerd, ga je naar een volgend level. Op deze manier ontwikkel je stap voor stap je skills in de huis. Als je alle 12 levels succesvol hebt gepasseerd, behaal je het “Golden Certificate” en wordt je opgenomen op de wereldkaart van de Phi Microneedling artiesten. De gemiddelde tijd die nodig is voor het verkrijgen van dit certificaat, ligt tussen de 1 en 2 maanden. Dit staat gelijk aan ongeveer 120 uur oefenen.

Aan het eind van de cursus, ontvangen alle deelnemers een officieel Phi Microneedling deelname certificaat. Om een gecertificeerd Microneedling artiest te worden en op de Phi Academy wereldkaart te worden opgenomen als behandelaar, dient de student aan te kunnen tonen dat hij of zij in staat is:
1 de juiste behandelroutines te geven;
2 de juiste kennis beheerst over de producten en gebruik hiervan
3 theoretische kennis over de huid en ziektes
4 Theoretische examen behalen

Bovenstaande stappen worden aangetoond door het succesvol passeren van de alle levels in de Craft Master applicatie.
Gemiddeld hebben studenten 1 tot 2 maanden nodig om alle levels van de Craft Master applicatie te passeren.

Inclusief starterspakket

KIT 1 Productenpakket
  2 x Tango (5/1) 
  1 x Jive (5/1)
  1 x Microneedling Body Gel (5/1)
  1 x Microneedling Scars Gel (5/1)
  1 x Microneedling Spots Gel (5/1)
20 x Philings after treatment mask 
10 x Ultimate Skin Cocktail (5/1)
  1 x PhiWipes Asept (20/1)
  1 x PhiWipes Makeup remover (20/1)
  1 x Universal Holder Silver
  1 x 3-Round Blade (20/1)
  1 x 5-Round Blade (20/1)
  3 x Microneedling Tango After Care 50ml 
  2 x Microneedling Jive After Care 50ml
  5 x Microneedling Hair Growth Serum (1/1)


Online: €1000,00 ex btw.

Live & online: €1200,00 ex btw.

Inclusief apparaat simplicity €1750 ex btw. Master apparaat in overleg.

Boek hier je cursus!

What is Phi Bright?

Phi Bright is a treatment in which the active ingredients are tailored to each skin type on the spot.

This new treatment technique is unique and it’s the most advanced skin improvement treatment at this moment in time. Phi Academy is the sole provider… worldwide!

PhiBright Serum Set allows you to create a personalised cocktail for each client according to the skin type, skin condition and different skin problems such as acne, scars, hyperpigmentations, dark circles etc.

Phi Bright Serums contain a special complex Brightenyl whose main active ingredient, diglucosyl gallic acid, represents a new generation of skin-activating substances that are activated on the skin through the action of natural bacterial flora.

This complex restores a perfect and even skin tone by blocking the process of melanogenesis at several levels, thus controlling skin darkening and reducing hyperpigmentation. It also protects the skin and has a soothing effect, reducing redness.

This serum, applied by the needling technique, accomplishes exactly what the skin needs most: deep nourishment and long-term stimulation of natural regenerative abilities.

Unlike many other preparations containing silicones, mineral oils and pigments which only have an effect on the surface appearance of the skin, Phi Bright achieves its effect in a completely natural way, deeply enriching the skin with essential nutrients. Due to its soothing properties, this serum is even suitable for sensitive skin prone to redness.

The result is an even and radiant complexion and healthy skin, without the use of harmful ingredients.

What will you learn and what will you receive?

  • Theory on the structure of the skin and characteristics found in specific areas of the facial skin
  • Determination of different skin types
  • Recognisable medical skin conditions
  • Making an assessment on the suitability of the customer to receive the treatment
  • Hygiene and sterility
  • Becoming familiar with the products and devices that are used during the treatment, and their operating principles
  • Maintenance of equipment
  • Becoming familiar and practice with various operating modes of the devices
  • Application Techniques Practice – Microneedling Face & Body
  • Expected results – Microneedling
  • Aftercare – Microneedling
  • PhiApp: client base, agenda, Dr Phi
  • How to makes photos
  • Craftmaster
  • Starter kit including products

Duration of the course

The course starts with a one-day live workshop from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This day will be dedicated to the theory, dermatology, contra-indications, hygiene, treatment routines and practical application on models. You can get in touch via the online craftmaster application for 3 months of online guidance

Course Day:

  • Theory, Hygiene, Dermatology Skin Expert
  • Product knowledge
  • Video material
  • Treatment protocols
  • Experimenting with tools
  • Practice on a (personal) live model
  • Aftercare
  • Q&A (question and answer)
  • Participation certificate Phi Microneedling
  • Starter kit with or without device.

Online (Craft Master)

However, the course consists of more than just the one day. Because you will stay in touch with your master on a daily basis for 3 months via the ‘Craft Master’ Application. The Application will be your online textbook and workbook. Via the Application, you will have access to all the theory (among others hygiene, skin types, contra-indications, how to handle the instruments, product knowledge and treatment routines) with a lot of helpful photo and video examples. Apart from the theory, the App consists of 12 levels (assignments) that need to be completed by the student to finish the course. Via the App, you will upload photos of completed assignments, after which personalised feedback will be provided by your master (1 on 1). As soon as you’ve completed a level, you’ll advance to the next level. In this way, you will develop your in-house skills step by step. When you’ve successfully completed all 12 levels, you’ll achieve the “Golden Certificate”, and you will be included on the world map of Phi Microneedling artists. The average time needed to obtain this certificate is 1 to 2 months. It represents about 120 hours of practice.


At the end of the course, all participants will receive an official Phibright Microneedling participation certificate. To become a certified Phibright artist and be included on the Phi Academy world map as practitioner, the students will need to show that they comply with the following:

1 Capable to provide the correct treatment routines

2 Possess the right knowledge about the products and how they are used

3 Possess the theoretical knowledge about the skin and diseases

4 Pass the theory test

The steps above are demonstrated by successfully completing all levels in the Craft Master application.

Included in the starter kit:

KIT 1: products included in the kit

100x Phi foil face

1x Phisepto

20x Phiwipes Asept

10x After treatment mask

1x White marker pen

10x Home use cocktails (vials)

1x Phibright serum set

10x Inject rollers and syringe

15x Sterile needles

10x Paper bag for client

5x Microneedling gel body

5x Microneedling gel scars

5x Microneedling hair growth gel

20x Ultimate skin cocktail


Online: €1000 excl. VAT.

Live & online: €1300 excl. VAT.

Including simplicity device €1700 excl. VAT. Master device in consultation.

Book your course below!


Course dates

Below are the upcoming course dates. Any other dates are by consultation only.